Monday, March 23, 2009

Glenn Beck - Another sign you are in a militia: Congressman Paul

GLENN: From Radio City in Midtown Manhattan, third most listened to show in all of America. Hello, you sick twisted freak. Welcome to the program. My name is Glenn Beck. Mr. Ron Paul, Congressman Ron Paul is with us now. Congressman, are you now or have you ever been a member of the libertarian party?

RON PAUL: Boy, that's a tricky question. If I answer honestly, could I be in trouble? That's the big question.

GLENN: Well, I wanted to know if you answer yes to that and you happen to have a Ron Paul bumper sticker on your car, you're definitely a militia member.

RON PAUL: Uh-oh. Well, since this is a public record, I have to tell you the truth. Yes, I have been a member.

GLENN: Are you -- do you have a Ron Paul bumper sticker on your car?

RON PAUL: Yes, I do.

GLENN: Oh, boy.

RON PAUL: That too --

GLENN: You just stay on the phone. We're tracing the call right now. You just stay on the phone.

RON PAUL: Yeah, but you may be traced as well for bringing up the subject.

GLENN: I know. Oh, I know they are tracing my calls.

RON PAUL: You better be careful, too.

GLENN: Listen, Congressman, there was this story that came out last week about Missouri where they did this study on who's a militia member, and there were some pretty remarkable things in there. For instance, if you have a Ron Paul bumper sticker on your car, that's a sign. If you talk about the Constitution, if you're against the United Nations, if you've ever passed along cartoons against the FBI, ATF or IRS, that's another sign. I mean, it's -- this is insane.

RON PAUL: You know, they are really taking on something. I don't know how they can handle this. Hopefully this will awaken the American people because I think I saw a poll the other day where 25% of the American people now think the UN is not a good idea and we should be out of it. What are they going to do? Round us all up or what?

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